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C-SPAN Taking Questions for the Second 2020 Presidential Debate

Waitari Harvey

If you have a question for the October 15th  presidential debate submit it to

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Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World

Waitari Harvey

Anand Giridharadas is the author of “Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World” In his book, Winners Take All, Anand Giridharadas discusses the roles plutocrats play when they decide to “give back” after taking so much more than they could possibly need or use. He talks about how in the guise of “saving the world,” they are trying to save their reputations and maintain the status quo that has made them wealthy. Marketing philosophy has infiltrated society to the degree that giving back is couched in terms of win, win. The idea that we can not only...

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Artificial Intelligence

Waitari Harvey

How do we successfully adopt Artificial Intelligence into a society of human beings without displacing ourselves or giving up even more of our privacy.

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Jacob Blake | Kyle Rittenhouse

Waitari Harvey

On August 23, another shooting by police of an unarmed black man, Jacob Blake, came to the nation’s attention. He was shot seven times in the back at point blank range in front of his three children, in Kenosha, WI.

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Flags and Statues of the Confederacy

Waitari Harvey

Major General Edward O. Ord on the front porch of the White House of the Confederacy Nazi Germany was defeated in 1945. In the past 65 years Germany has paid over 70 billion in reparations to the Jews. There are no flags with swastikas waving in Germany now. There are no statues erected to Adolph Hitler or Hermann Göring in Germany now. The history of the atrocities endured by the Jewish people in Europe is not lost because of the absence of this kind of window dressing. These symbols are an insult to the people who suffered under Nazi oppression....

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