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Comments on the essay "Baby Boomers Reach the End of Their To-Do List"

Waitari Harvey

How Are You Making Out With That To-Do List, Baby-Boomer? “By the time you’ve worked long enough, hard enough, real life begins to reveal itself as something other than effort, other than accomplishment.” Patricia Hampl, Baby-Boomers Reach the End of Their To-Do List The essay by Patricia Hampl, Baby-Boomers Reach the End of Their To-Do List, appeared in the Review section of the New York Times. Being born at the tail end of the age of the “Baby-Boomer,” I wanted to read it. I agree with the above quote from the essay. Effort implies pushing against the flow and the...

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Can Your Boss Know Enough About You?

Waitari Harvey

In 2015 the data analysis firm, Cambridge Analytica usurped the data of millions of Facebook users in an effort to sway the presidential election in the U.S. In 2018 Facebook admitted that the data was stolen. The breach in trust was unsettling. Recently I have read about how some corporations, in the name of improved efficiency and productivity, are collecting data on their employees. How is the data collected, interpreted and used, is the data secure? to read about how corporations, in the name of efficiency and productivity, are collecting data on their employees The data collected is meant to...

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Is There a Compelling Case for Working a Lot Less?

Waitari Harvey

My comments on the article "The Compelling Case for Working a Lot Less"By Amanda Rugger Illustration above by John Tenniel from Through the Looking-Glass In the story Through the Looking-Glass the Red Queen character explains to Alice that it takes a lot of running to stay in the same place. You don't want to be the Red Queen.  The title of this article got my attention right away. How hard should or do you need to work? On the surface this idea of working a lot less may sound like sacrilege. It goes against our basic beliefs about ambition and productivity...

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A Wrinkle in Time, the movie, my thoughts

Waitari Harvey

I had been impatiently waiting to see the Ava DuVernay/Disney production of a Wrinkle in Time. I read the young adult novel as a child and also a few times as an adult. I love the book…

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The History of the Tee Shirt

Waitari Harvey

I just read an article on the BBC Website about the London Fashion and Textile Museum’s exhibit examining the potential and actual power of the t-shirt as a medium for expression. You can read about the exhibit here as it appeared on the BBC website. The article is titled The T-Shirt: A Rebel With a Cause by  Joobin Bekhrad. In the U.S., It wasn’t until the 1950’s that the t-shirt became more than a simple undergarment, courtesy of Marlon Brando in “A Street Car Named Desire” (1951) and with James Dean in 1955’s “Rebel Without a Cause. Their shirts were...

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