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Winning the Story Wars

Waitari Harvey

  Winning the Story Wars Do you remember the video “Grocery Store Wars?” I do. It was a short video by the author of “Winning the Story Wars,” Jonah Sachs, years before he wrote the book. The video used the story line and characters from the “Star Wars” film with characters named Cuke Skywalker, Darth Tator, Chew Broccoli, etc. The film was made to help make people aware of the choices they make at the grocery store’s produce section. It was funny and delivered its message effectively. Jonah Sachs went on to become co-founder of Free Range Studios to help...

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Facebook is not your friend

Waitari Harvey

Facebook is not your friend

  Social media, like everything, is a mixed bag. I am figuring out how to effectively use it for my business. Apparently I should take a page out of the Russian playbook. They leveraged social media quite efficiently to misinform Americans concerning issues of the 2016 election. The Rachel Maddow show yesterday discussed the story that Facebook, which has been in denial since May of this year, finally admitted that there is evidence of thousands of Facebook ads originating from Russia at the time of the 2016 election cycle. Some of the ad placement was done via an entity named...

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Comments on the Nashville Statement

Waitari Harvey

A group of Evangelical Christian Leaders have organized and signed a statement affirming their beliefs on human sexuality. Below is my comment on their statement. You perceive life based on your own beliefs and form a perspective. You may find others who share your point of view and provide comfort in a shared viewpoint. The originators and signers of the Nashville Statement are entitled to state their truth as they see it. However only those of like-mind will agree. I do not agree. There is no one truth. Just as there is no one religion, one race, one country or...

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Invader Zim Resurrected by Nickelodeon

Waitari Harvey

Invader Zim Resurrected by Nickelodeon

Invader Zim Resurrected by Nickelodeon I stumbled across Invader Zim one evening back in 2001. I had no idea what it was. I don’t watch Nickelodeon, but the character and the animation style caught my attention. The character Zim is the ego on steroids. He is an alien from the planet Irken which is inhabited by a warrior race that destroys other worlds. To be an Irken leader you must be tall. Irkens smaller than the Almighty Tallest don’t count for much. Zim is short but he has big ambitions and is constantly pestering the Almighty Tallest for an opportunity...

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"A Wrinkle in Time" movie due for release March 9, 2018

Waitari Harvey

"A Wrinkle in Time" movie due for release March 9, 2018

  I am excited by the news that “A Wrinkle in Time” is being made into a feature length movie. I remember Disney’s earlier attempt, a made-for-TV movie. Although I thought the casting for it was decent, I felt that the effects could have been better and that the screen play dumbed down the story quite a bit. I think it is quite significant that the film in development is being directed by Ava DuVernay, a black woman. She is working with a stellar cast: Oprah Winfrey, Chris Pine, Reese Witherspoon and Mindy Kaling, and Storm Reid. People of color...

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